Wednesday, March 6, 2013

February 2013 HelpDesk Stats...

The iT HelpDesk February Results
Tickets created: 447
Closed on First Contact: 257
CoFC percentage:  57.5%
HelpDesk Goal: 58%
Winona HelpDesk Results:
Tickets: 389
CoFC: 202
CoFC %: 52%
Winona HelpDesk Staff that achieved 58% goal:
Brian Behling(iT), Prescilla Ramirez (TA), Owen Kuemerle (TA), Tom Plante (TA),
Heather Ludwig(TA), Stephanie Delveaux(TA), Camden Webster(TA)
Minneapolis HelpDesk Staff Results:
Tickets: 58
CoFC: 55
CoFC %: 95%
All staff made CoFC goal.
Thanks Mike Montgomery, Doug Waller, Alex Ajaluwa, and Lincoln Scully.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Classrooms and Tegrity

Tegrity is set up in classrooms for desktop and laptop users.

Laptop users, be sure to plug the cords back into the desktop machine after use.  
We have had several Helpdesk calls regarding Tegrity not working due to the cords not returned to the desktop.

Desktop users, be sure to check that the cords are plugged into the desktop when starting up Tegrity.  
If you don't see the camera, elmo or no sound, its probably due to the cords not plugged in.

Here is a picture of what cables and where they should be plugged in to.  The USB cable can be in any of the 4 USB ports on the front of the classroom PC and the cord for audio has to be in the one shown.

Compressing Photos in Powerpoint

You often need to compress PowerPoint presentations when sharing it via emai or saving space on your personal network drive, U Drive.

 If your presentation is full of images, you can try compressing these images to reduce the overall size of the presentation.
Once the picture is inserted in the Presentation then click the Compress Pictures option under Format > Picture Tools.
compress Pic PowerPoint 2010

Now be sure to check the Delete cropped areas of pictures option to reduce the overall size of the presentation. Also select the appropriate target output.
Compress PowerPoint 2010
Click OK to complete the configuration.

What’s new in PowerPoint for Mac 2011

There are several new tools in Powerpoint for Mac 2011
Learn more about the Ribbon, make professional looking presentations, new animations, and more.

See more by Clicking here