Wednesday, July 18, 2012

2012 Recycling Day has been set for August 8th

Saint Mary’s University and Apple Computers will once again offer a one day electronic recycling program to its employees on Wednesday, August 8th. The program is free of charge.

Bring your equipment to the drop off point located behind the gates of the Kulas-Connaughty Power Plant between the hours of 8:30AM and 4:00PM on Wednesday, August 8th .

We will accept:
Cpu, monitor, printer, fax machine, television, scanner, cd drive, hard drive, laptop, vcr,desk-top size copy machine, projector, overhead projector, networking equipment, cables, keyboards, mice.

We will not accept:
Monitors with broken glass. CRT’s missing their enclosures. UPS battery backup system. Batteries of any type.

Tegrity upgrade on August 13th

Our final round of Tegrity updates this summer will introduce new features.

This will occur during the early morning hours of 8/13/2012. Tegrity will not be accessible during this time.

To view recordings during either of the outages listed above, please follow these directions to download them to your device in advance.

Instructors will still be able to create recordings by launching the recorder from the system tray; however they will not upload immediately. Please contact the HelpDesk at 507/457-7800 if you plan on creating recordings during either of these upgrades.