Friday, November 11, 2011

Going Google

The next set of "Going Google" Sharing Sessions are as follows:

November 16th: Noon - 1pm - Focus will be on the "New Look" of Google Email.
November 17th: 3-4pm - Focus will be on the "New Look" of Google Calendar.
December 7th: noon - 1pm - Focus will be on the "New Look" of Google Calendar.
December 8th: 3-4pm - Focus will be on the "New Look" of Google Email.

Please come to share your tips/tricks and maybe pick up a few as well. Winona Campus participants will meet in HC23 for all the sessions. Minneapolis Campus participants will meeting in LSH210 for Nov. 16, Dec 7th and 8th and LSH214 for Nov. 17th.

New Look for Google & Google Apps

Google is bringing you a new and improved Google experience, and soon, you'll see updates to our look and feel. The way people use and experience the web is evolving, and our goal is to give you a more seamless and consistent online experience—one that works no matter which Google product you're using or what device you're using it on.

TechFaq Issue of the Month

What do I need to let iT HelpDesk know before I have an official SMU guest come onto Campus?

HelpDesk Incident Resolution Survey Results for October

How you said we did “closing” your incidents. If you wish to get a response to your comments please include the Call ID number, found in the subject line of the email, or your username in the comments section. Otherwise, this feedback is completely anonymous.

October 2011: New and Updated Articles in Tech FAQ


How Students Access a SafeAssign Assignment
Download Multiple Assignments from Grade Center
Clear Assignment Attempt in Grade Center
Getting Started with Tests and Surveys
Making your Course Available

Email – Google Apps

Employees - Importing my Personal Contacts from a csv file
How do I get started with GoogleDocs?
What University Calendars are Available for University Users?
When will my email be delivered to GoogleApps?
What is required to use GoogleSites?
How do I Opt-In to GoogleApps? This specifically applies to SMU SGPP Graduate Students

Information for New Users

Connecting my iOS device to campus wireless


How do I connect to a SMU printer on Windows?

Residential Networking

How do I add a ResHall printer on a PC?

Tegrity – Tegrity for Instructors

How do I create a Tegrity recording?

Tegrity – Tegrity for Students

Online Viewing of a Tegrity Recording
Student: How do I download a Tegrity recording?

October HelpDesk Techfaq Facts

· 24,751 visits with 34063 page views

· 354 different cities visited the site. Winona had over 22,000 visits. Even Yokohama, Japan wants to know about techfaq’s

· 11,189 unique visitors

· 43% of visitors used Internet Explorer, 41% used Firefox

· About 21,000 returned to visit the techfaq while about 4650 were new visitors. Thanks to them for checking us out.

· 180 visits from mobile devices pretty even among Android, iPad and iPhone

· Over 5% of visits came from websites other than

· 515 views of techfaq “When will my email be delivered to GoogleApps?”

o 218 views of techfaq “Students Only: How to move existing mail from OL Interchange to GoogleApps?”

Visit or to become a techfaq statistic!!!